Looking back at 2021

During the past 20 months, the world has changed significantly and so have we at Meetagain. We (or in fact no one) have absolutely no clue what the world will look like in the future. We can only guess what the new normal will be and what other challenges we will face during this ongoing pandemic.  

2022 from our perspective

  • Changed travel patterns - questioning how and where we travel, especially internationally (if we travel at all)
  • Righteousness of choice and significance for the destination - where a conference or congress chooses to be located will have even greater significance for both the destination and the choice of it
  • Understand the importance of finding new formats for the meetings. The professional production of the format is key
  • Understand that a hybrid meeting is 2 different meetings that must be taken care of with different approaches
  • Sustainability - actively work to find ways to retain staff and customers
  • Current skills - upgrade knowledge through continuous training
  • Apply innovation and technology in daily work processes
  • Creativity in negotiations - for example, proposing new services, new business models and providing several variants of budgets (hybrid / digital / in-person)
  • Keeping everyone healthy - perhaps the biggest challenge of all!

Together with our customers, we have tried to adapt, tried to reschedule the meetings, creating new formats and business models. To be able to continue to run a successful, sustainable business, we need to try to look a little further ahead with a partial focus on future strategies. Of course, this is the million-dollar question, what will the future look like when rapid changes continue to be the fact?  


We have continued to develop our quality assurance model that includes all parts of a meeting. It has been about finding new services or developing the services based on the digital format. It has been a lot about discussing the value of the meeting with the organizations and the content of scientific congresses.  

Digitization has been going on for a long time and parts of the meetings have had digital elements for quite some time. It is important to change the format and program so that it becomes attractive to participate. If you find the right revenue streams, you will find enormous opportunities to increase participant, sponsor- and exhibitor income.

We choose to see the development of technology as a series of possibilities. The opportunity to reach many more, new participants from new categories. A complement to the in-person meeting is not something that replaces the in-person meeting.  

Our role as PCO is very much focused on professional meeting consultancy, coordination, and overall project management. We coordinate all actors involved in the implementation of the meeting. This need has increased when many organizations see that their internal knowledge about meeting management is not enough.

We believe that the in-person meetings will come back and to an even greater extent. We want to meet others, tell our stories, experiences, and share knowledge. Digital participation provides opportunities to reach further to extended groups and categories of people. A much more inclusive and sustainable way of meeting.  

Throughout the pandemic, we have developed and implemented various virtual solutions to ensure that the professional development of the meetings can continue.  

With this, we want to thank all our customers, partners and friends.  

We all look forward to 2022 with continued adaption to whatever may come!

- Caroline Knies, CEO Meetagain