33rd Congress of The International Council of The Aeronautical Sciences

Stockholm, Sweden, 4-9 September 2022

The Making of ICAS Congress 2022

The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) has been a driving force behind aeronautical innovation since 1957. Their biennial Congress represents a culmination of immense planning, collaboration, and dedication to bring together the best minds in aeronautics.

Prioritizing Security Amidst Global Challenges

In 2022, the ICAS Congress took center stage in Stockholm, Sweden. Due to a close by war starting earlier that year, the organizers stood infront of unprecedented security challenges in making the congress. 

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Meetagain, renowned for its expertise in managing high-security events, went above and beyond. Our team of great technicians worked hours making sure the security and registration process on site were airtight, ensuring the safety of its clients. 

The ICAS Congress 2022 is more than just an academic gathering; it stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and unmatched security measures.

Read the testimonial from the Local Organizing Committee Chair below.